måndag 19 augusti 2013

The Bad Brains Cookbook

So this is a thing that I've wanted to do, pretty much since this, and when my friend Anonymus posted about how difficult it is to make sandwiches I figured I actually can make this happen, because I too am very good at sequencing recipes, I too am a good cook, and I too have a bad, bad brain.

I want to make The Bad Brains Cookbook. A resource from one badbrain to another.
I want to make a cookbook of hyper-sequenced recipes, and attempt at making a collection of recipes in less than 5, 10 and 20 steps, where getting the ingredient counts as a step.  With visual aids and diagraming, with better instructions than vauge sensory ques, at the very least noting how things are supposed to smell and look and sound and taste and feel when done. (Does anyone know what the heck "soft peaks" is supposed to mean in the context of meringue? If so TELL ME!)

The Bad Brains Cookbook as a project is contingent upon two things (actually-probably more, but two main things here and now): whether there is actually any interest at all for it, and funding.

Because creating a resource would require time, and trial cooking, and materials, and more time for writing and editing, and server space and an address. (And sometime way off in the future, maybe coding an app for smartphones/iPads/whatnot as those become more and more common as assistive tech.)
And I am not interested in doing a funding drive unless there is interest in the Bad Brains Cookbook to start with. So tell me, are you interested?

ETA: The Bad Brains Cookbook has a blog of it's own - badbrainscookbook.blogspot.com!