Det ter sig som om vi har ett boende för nästa år. Jag klagar verkligen inte. Jag hoppas på att kunna lägga rabarber på det trekantiga rummet, men oavsett vilket rum jag får så är jag nöjd.
Vi lär kunna skriva på kontraktet när som helst nu, vilket jag uppskattar.
Utöver det så verkar det som om vi kan förvara våra saker i huset fram tills vi flyttar in på riktigt, vilket ju också är trevligt.
Utöver det så ska jag till London på Lördag och umgås med Sissi. Jag har även för avsikt att turista lite när det sker.
Om tre veckor åker jag hem. Jag vill verkligen hem nu. Jag antar att det har med vännerna att göra. Jag tycker mycket om folket här, de är roliga, trevliga och de inkluderar mig, trots mina knepigheter (så till den milda grad att de i Lördags kom och hämtade mig för att vara säkra på att jag dök upp på filmkvällen hos Rob). Jag tycker mycket om dem.
Ja, i Lördags var det filmkväll hos Rob och Cait (som är färdig att explodera, tror jag. Beräknat datum är om en vecka eller sådär. Pojke. De pratar om Theodore. Amy sa något annat pojknamn som Rob tydligen gillade. Jag antar att de försöker följa det irländska temat...) vi såg någon komikers show, som var rolig, de delarna jag förstod. Det var lite svårt att hänga med, och svårt att höra. Men ja, det jag hörde var underhållande. Sen såg vi "The Illusionist" som var alldeles, alldeles underbar!
I fredags så gjorde jag middag till Jon och Ben, och det var väl trevligt. Varpå vi gick till The Venue för att vara närvarande när resultaten i valet offentliggjordes. Jag är inte glad åt resultaten, men vad ska man göra? Det är det demokratiska beslutet. Annars ägnade jag mest tiden åt att vara förundrad över varför i hela fridens namn folk väljer att umgås i klubbmiljö. Högljudt så att man inte kan föra en vettig konversation, mycket folk, varav merparten är fulla/påverkade eller bäggedera. Nej. Jag förstår det inte.
onsdag 24 mars 2010
onsdag 10 mars 2010
When having nothing to say... can always answer a meme.
1. Is that your natural hair color?
Ohyes. I admit to have made several attempts to answer this question with a no, but my hair just doesn't take to hair dye.
2. Where was your facebook profile pic taken?
Frejs bedroom.
3. What's your middle name
My middle name is the name I should be called.
4. Your current relationship status?
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
I don't know. Sometimes I think so, other times I'm just as convinced that is not the case. Most of the time even.
6. What is your current mood?
Content, I think.
7. What colour underwear are you wearing?
8. What makes you happy?
I dunno. A good book? Good music? A nice meal? A friendly smile? An interesting conversation? D: All of the above, and much more. And also none of the above. I just don't know.
9. Are you musically inclined?
Only in my own opinion. It seems people who can hear don't agree. *eyeroll*
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?
I don't think it would be recomended to change anything that have happened, as the point we're at today is dependant on the acions that took place yesterday.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?
A wolf? Or a cat in a loving home, where I'd be fed, and played with and petted.
12. Ever had a near death experience?
No, and I can't say I'd like to have one.
13. Something you do a lot?
Eat? Sleep? Read? Attract weirdos?
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now
For once *knock on wood* I don't have any songs stuck in my head. Which is rather amazing in itself.
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
Eh... Someone. I can't remember.
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you ?
17. When was the last time you cried?
Surprisingly enough I can provide a precise and accurate answer for this one. Yesterday.
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Well, yeah.
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
I'd like to be able to listen to German pretto-goth and only be a little bit ashamed about it.
20. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?
I'd prefer to view the world in terms of humans, thankyouverymuch, and I don't know.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Tall latte. But only if I can't get decent coffee.
22. What’s your biggest secret?
You know, if it's supposed to be a secret it wouldn't be such a good idea to publish it on the friggin blog, which not only is read by people who know me and therefore probably are either involved in said secret or are the people I'm keeping said secret from, but also is written under a nick that is rather tightly linked with me, the person in front of the computer, writing this.
23. Whats your favourite colour?
I'm quite fond of black, and white, and all colours in between.
24. When was the last time you lied?
I very rarely tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But it's even more rare that I lie.
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
26. Do you have braces?
No. Never had.
27. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
No moar angst!
28. What are you eating or drinking atm?
29. Do you speak any other language?
As is evident by this questionaire being in English, I do.
30. What's your favorite smell?
The niceness of smells depends on the context.
31. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Boy. Sometime last summer, I think.
32. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
Sleeping, which is rare!
33. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
I was reading. "A Vigil for Joe Rose", thanks for asking. I don't know if I'd say it's a particulary good book. But I can relate, and it makes me think about things that are important.
34. What are you wearing?
Aren't we the naughty meme writer? Dark blue tee, regular blue jeans and black panties. But remember, underneath my clothes I'm completely naked.
35. Are you mad at anyone right now?
Bitter, not mad. Frustrated, not mad. Disgusted, but not mad. Get the pattern?
36. The last 2 people to say they loved you?
I don't remember. Take it as it having been to long since it happened last, or as my life overflowing with people throwing declarations of love at me. Your choice. *eyeroll*
Or maybe I just don't remember.
37. Last thing received in the mail?
My dresses. I know, I know. Out of Characer, wouldn't you say? But it's true. I promise to let Inya out of the wardrobe when I'm done playing with her identity.
38. Do you have any famous relatives?
39. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Not to the best of my knowledge. But then again, I can't be sure I haven't forgotten anything... *eyeroll*
40. How is your hair?
My hair is just fine, thanks for asking.
41. How many different drinks have you had today?
Water, orange juice, coffee and lemonade makes four. I'm considering going and making some tea, making the total five.
42. What have you eaten today?
Carrot and thyme soup. Lentil-tomato-onion casserole. And some broccoli.
43. Are you good at maths?
44. Do you have plans on Saturday night?
Maybe. That remains to be seen.
45. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
No. Should I?
46. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Yeah. Personal "best" is 127 hours, at which point nothing could keep me awake for a second longer.
47. Do you like the ocean?
Who doesn't?
48. What are you excited about?
Concert on Saturday. Should be fun. Going home in a few weeks. Can't wait.
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain when home. Amazing!
Blue Man Group this autumn, will hopefully be as good as their previous works.
49. What did you do last night?
Nothing too exciting I'm afraid. Unless you're excited by capacitance calculations, in which case you're plain weird. Not judging. Whatever floats your boat. I hope you'll find someone likeminded. Now the question is, should I encourage or discourage you to look for this person at the physics institution of your local university?
50. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
Uhu. Question is, for how much longer?
51. Where do you keep your change?
In my pockets. At my bedside table. And in a jar labelled "The Capitals of Europe".
Saving my change to go on a trip or three. I was thinking Berlin. And then we started talking about EuroPride at coffee earlier, and this summer it's in Warzaw, and in 2011 in Rome. And I do love Rome.
52. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?
Well, if I didn't remember it it would hardly be the most naughty night of my life, now would it?
And if I didn't remember it, it would be the most naughty memory that classified as the most naughty night of my life, in which case we can conclude that you can't possibly not remember the most naughty night of your life.
And provided that you, my dear reader, isn't completely daft, and I'm assuming you're not, as you're reading this, you have the answer to the question in the rant about the question.
53. Would you rather sleep with someone or alone?
How wide is the bed? Whom am I sleeping with? Are there enough pillows? Is the other person snoring? At what time do I have to get up the next day? What temperature is it in the room? Do I like the someone else? Does the someone else like me? Will it end up being difficult to explain to people in my surroundings? Will I be refered to as the Sverok Peadophile afterwards?
Tons of things to consider here.
54. Do you like your name?
Yeah. It suits me. My parents had good judgement in that case, aswell.
55. Would you have sex with anyone on your facebook friends list?
Yes. And I'm not commenting.
1. Is that your natural hair color?
Ohyes. I admit to have made several attempts to answer this question with a no, but my hair just doesn't take to hair dye.
2. Where was your facebook profile pic taken?
Frejs bedroom.
3. What's your middle name
My middle name is the name I should be called.
4. Your current relationship status?
5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?
I don't know. Sometimes I think so, other times I'm just as convinced that is not the case. Most of the time even.
6. What is your current mood?
Content, I think.
7. What colour underwear are you wearing?
8. What makes you happy?
I dunno. A good book? Good music? A nice meal? A friendly smile? An interesting conversation? D: All of the above, and much more. And also none of the above. I just don't know.
9. Are you musically inclined?
Only in my own opinion. It seems people who can hear don't agree. *eyeroll*
10. If you could go back in time, and change something what would it be?
I don't think it would be recomended to change anything that have happened, as the point we're at today is dependant on the acions that took place yesterday.
11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day- what would you be?
A wolf? Or a cat in a loving home, where I'd be fed, and played with and petted.
12. Ever had a near death experience?
No, and I can't say I'd like to have one.
13. Something you do a lot?
Eat? Sleep? Read? Attract weirdos?
14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now
For once *knock on wood* I don't have any songs stuck in my head. Which is rather amazing in itself.
15. Who did you copy and paste this from?
Eh... Someone. I can't remember.
16. Name someone with the same b-day as you ?
17. When was the last time you cried?
Surprisingly enough I can provide a precise and accurate answer for this one. Yesterday.
18. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Well, yeah.
19. If you could have one super power what would it be?
I'd like to be able to listen to German pretto-goth and only be a little bit ashamed about it.
20. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?
I'd prefer to view the world in terms of humans, thankyouverymuch, and I don't know.
21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Tall latte. But only if I can't get decent coffee.
22. What’s your biggest secret?
You know, if it's supposed to be a secret it wouldn't be such a good idea to publish it on the friggin blog, which not only is read by people who know me and therefore probably are either involved in said secret or are the people I'm keeping said secret from, but also is written under a nick that is rather tightly linked with me, the person in front of the computer, writing this.
23. Whats your favourite colour?
I'm quite fond of black, and white, and all colours in between.
24. When was the last time you lied?
I very rarely tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But it's even more rare that I lie.
25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
26. Do you have braces?
No. Never had.
27. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
No moar angst!
28. What are you eating or drinking atm?
29. Do you speak any other language?
As is evident by this questionaire being in English, I do.
30. What's your favorite smell?
The niceness of smells depends on the context.
31. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
Boy. Sometime last summer, I think.
32. What were you doing this morning at 8am?
Sleeping, which is rare!
33. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
I was reading. "A Vigil for Joe Rose", thanks for asking. I don't know if I'd say it's a particulary good book. But I can relate, and it makes me think about things that are important.
34. What are you wearing?
Aren't we the naughty meme writer? Dark blue tee, regular blue jeans and black panties. But remember, underneath my clothes I'm completely naked.
35. Are you mad at anyone right now?
Bitter, not mad. Frustrated, not mad. Disgusted, but not mad. Get the pattern?
36. The last 2 people to say they loved you?
I don't remember. Take it as it having been to long since it happened last, or as my life overflowing with people throwing declarations of love at me. Your choice. *eyeroll*
Or maybe I just don't remember.
37. Last thing received in the mail?
My dresses. I know, I know. Out of Characer, wouldn't you say? But it's true. I promise to let Inya out of the wardrobe when I'm done playing with her identity.
38. Do you have any famous relatives?
39. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
Not to the best of my knowledge. But then again, I can't be sure I haven't forgotten anything... *eyeroll*
40. How is your hair?
My hair is just fine, thanks for asking.
41. How many different drinks have you had today?
Water, orange juice, coffee and lemonade makes four. I'm considering going and making some tea, making the total five.
42. What have you eaten today?
Carrot and thyme soup. Lentil-tomato-onion casserole. And some broccoli.
43. Are you good at maths?
44. Do you have plans on Saturday night?
Maybe. That remains to be seen.
45. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
No. Should I?
46. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Yeah. Personal "best" is 127 hours, at which point nothing could keep me awake for a second longer.
47. Do you like the ocean?
Who doesn't?
48. What are you excited about?
Concert on Saturday. Should be fun. Going home in a few weeks. Can't wait.
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain when home. Amazing!
Blue Man Group this autumn, will hopefully be as good as their previous works.
49. What did you do last night?
Nothing too exciting I'm afraid. Unless you're excited by capacitance calculations, in which case you're plain weird. Not judging. Whatever floats your boat. I hope you'll find someone likeminded. Now the question is, should I encourage or discourage you to look for this person at the physics institution of your local university?
50. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?
Uhu. Question is, for how much longer?
51. Where do you keep your change?
In my pockets. At my bedside table. And in a jar labelled "The Capitals of Europe".
Saving my change to go on a trip or three. I was thinking Berlin. And then we started talking about EuroPride at coffee earlier, and this summer it's in Warzaw, and in 2011 in Rome. And I do love Rome.
52. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?
Well, if I didn't remember it it would hardly be the most naughty night of my life, now would it?
And if I didn't remember it, it would be the most naughty memory that classified as the most naughty night of my life, in which case we can conclude that you can't possibly not remember the most naughty night of your life.
And provided that you, my dear reader, isn't completely daft, and I'm assuming you're not, as you're reading this, you have the answer to the question in the rant about the question.
53. Would you rather sleep with someone or alone?
How wide is the bed? Whom am I sleeping with? Are there enough pillows? Is the other person snoring? At what time do I have to get up the next day? What temperature is it in the room? Do I like the someone else? Does the someone else like me? Will it end up being difficult to explain to people in my surroundings? Will I be refered to as the Sverok Peadophile afterwards?
Tons of things to consider here.
54. Do you like your name?
Yeah. It suits me. My parents had good judgement in that case, aswell.
55. Would you have sex with anyone on your facebook friends list?
Yes. And I'm not commenting.
tisdag 9 mars 2010
söndag 7 mars 2010
Tinkering with the telescope, and drinking of tea!
Tinkering with the telescope.
Amy, Justin, Helen and Rob.
Aínas filt.
Amys högervante, Justins te (och mugg), Robs ficklampa.
saturnus, Mars, Sirius.
Korv och burgare till dem. Bönburgare (som var oerhört god) och majskolv med smör till mig.
Te. Rött från Helen. Snack.
Justins, mer te. Massa prat.
Bra kväll/natt/morgon.
Kommer inte att överleva repan om några timmar.
We are so nerdy. What do we do on a Saturdaynight? Stargazing!
En bra dag!
Amy, Justin, Helen and Rob.
Aínas filt.
Amys högervante, Justins te (och mugg), Robs ficklampa.
saturnus, Mars, Sirius.
Korv och burgare till dem. Bönburgare (som var oerhört god) och majskolv med smör till mig.
Te. Rött från Helen. Snack.
Justins, mer te. Massa prat.
Bra kväll/natt/morgon.
Kommer inte att överleva repan om några timmar.
We are so nerdy. What do we do on a Saturdaynight? Stargazing!
En bra dag!
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